It all starts off so simple. Then people start saying things like:
"Users have different reasons
for visiting a site but the
destination is always the same."
Contrary to how overwhelming it feels, websites, blogs, social media all come down to something you're already doing.
When I built this site, I literally had nothing to sell, and I'm not just talking books. My first attempt at a bio had a picture of my cat and a story about always wanting to write. It crushed me to even think about trying to sell Jac Forsyth. I had no book to publicise, I didn't have a unique angle to exploit. Honestly, I was pretty dull property, and I didn't even talk to anyone about it because I felt embarrassed. This went on for several weeks.
Then one day, I had my usual cry, I switched my thinking from I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO, to I'M CURIOUS TO SEE HOW I SOLVE THIS. Then I went for a run and let my creative brain find a way to turn a negative cocoon into a positive butterfly.
I am a writer. I've always been a writer, right from the first day I lined up a box of drawing pins and gave them all names and an interesting backstory.
If I'm struggling with this, then other people are struggling with this.
I've done my fair share of story prompt challenges. I can string three random words together and come up with a story in five minutes flat.
Website visitors are an audience just like readers are an audience. You have to find out what they want and then give it to them in a way they don't expect.
If you have nothing to put on your website, write about that. If you've picked up some good advice along the way, write about that. If you're writing your first book.... You get the idea.
If you're struggling with your bio, treat it like a story prompt. Pick three random facts about yourself and then link them together. Then link them to you book. Have a look at my bio for an example what you can spin out of nothing, but most of all, believe that you are a fabulous, spectacularly unique human being. You've got this.
So what makes a good website?
Think about your own use of the net. Most people who visit a website never visit it again. Most visits don’t last more than a few seconds.
Building a successful site is about asking two questions.
What is the primary purpose of this website?
What do I want it to say about me?
This isn't about working hard to find something interesting, this is about what makes you unique and how this can best be reflected in your website,
If your new website is built in a free hosting site, it will remain unpublished and costing nothing in hosting or domain fees until you're ready to launch. At that point you can choose to keep it free or upgrade to a different package. All new sites come with a blow-by-blow guide to maintenance and editing so you can run it yourself. No fancy coding or web skills needed.
And remember, a website is only a part of your marketing strategy, it isn't your marketing strategy. Relying on it to do all the work is a waste of a good resource.
Social media
Why do it?
Ten years ago no one was worried about social media, now indie writers are left feeling like they can't possibly succeed without it. There are even horror stories of agents refusing to consider a submission unless the author has a six-figure following across more than one platform.
You can also buy followers and numbers don't always translate to engagement. Think about what you want from social media and more importantly, what you don't want. If maintaining 10k followers isn't for you then don't fret the numbers.
Why is it so hard?
Social media was always meant to be fun, it is purely about connection, conversation and community. We used to have 6 degrees of separation, thanks to social media, we now have 3.7. Being a writer is a lonely thing, connecting with the writing community will get you through the tough days.
During lockdown the Twitter vss365 community saved me from giving up on writing. When you focus on the SOCIAL rather then the MEDIA, everything gets better.
Where to start
Concentrate on building an online presence that's intentional and productive in the way you want it to be. It should also be easy and accessible.
Pick one platform, be yourself and don't force the hard sell. Think about what you like and don't like from a post. Engagement sells more than a feed full of 'Buy my Book'.
And remember, unless you're a celebrity, all social media is a two way street. Support your community and your community will support you.